Intelligent Pole/ Structure Monitoring

Ubigrid TVM

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We Make Utility Poles Intelligent

The industry’s first LTE-based sensor to monitor utility poles lets you know when your poles are tilted or vibrating. This is crucial information to help in storm recovery and to avoid knock down hazards.

Monitoring Your Grid Assets So You Don’t Have To

UbiGrid Tilt and Vibration Monitor (TVM) enables utilities to manage critical utility pole assets, providing data on pole tilt and movement, as well as impact and vibration levels. TVM gives grid operators a full view of utility pole fleets, enabling remote identification of structural pole damage; helping to more efficiently plan maintenance and avoid costly outages.

Key Benefits
  • Detailed asset tracking with GPS

  • Self-provisioning with LTE communication

  • Tilt from Weather or impact

  • Vibration from impact, weather, and line switching

  • Threshold notifications

  • Mandatory for revenue generating poles (Small Cells)

  • API into SCADA, OMS or WOMS

  • Integrated with utility pole asset data